you are always loved, even when you feel unlovable: Emma Williams

hello lovely people! my name is emma williams and i'm a junior in alpha xi delta at miami this year and i'm excited to be sharing my insight on ximentality this week! i am currently abroad right now as a third year architecture major so being on the other side of the world than the rest of my sisters feels a little strange. i am one who is a strong advocate for mental health as a whole. i am on the executive board of miami hope for the second year now, which is a mental health organization that focuses on suicide prevention and mental health awareness, and was the parent relations chair in the sorority this past year so i got to plan moms weekend! being in alpha xi has surrounded me with people who gave me all the love, support, and joy that i realized needed in my life. i have struggled with my mental health all through high school and my college years which means i have a lot of ups and downs time to time where the highs are the highest mountains and the lows are the lowest valleys.

it is definitely difficult to open up and share your emotions with people who you feel like bring you the most joy in your life and don’t know the full story. when you close yourself off though and isolate yourself i have found that it does not help anyone or any of your issues go away, it just makes it worse. dealing with depression and anxiety makes it hard to find the right people who you can trust and let into your life and give them the full story, not just the “i’m fine” cover up story. i tend to isolate myself and my brain goes straight to the fact that no one will understand, or don’t tell them what’s going on they won’t care, and you’re just being dramatic. which all lead to me pushing people away and not letting anyone in, which is the most unhealthy thing you can do for yourself. i know how difficult it is to let people into your life and share what’s really happening but people care more than you think they do.

bettering yourself is the most important thing that you should always focus on and even connecting with one person and allowing them in can change your whole perspective on life. at times you can definitely think that there’s no one out there who loves you or even cares to bat an eye, but i’m here to tell you that there are. people care, people want to be there for you, you just have to let them in. holding your emotions and struggles to yourself and not releasing them will eat you alive and tear you down in the worst possible way. i promise you all that even though you may not think something is worth sharing, it is.

your friends are your friends because they want to support you and be there for you which is one of the most important things alpha xi has helped me realize. i’ve made the closest friends and gotten close with girls that i will forever cherish sisterhood with. i’ve come to learn that people love you for your good and your bad and want to support you through it all no matter what. i find support in my axid sisters, family, and other close friends. they help me keep everything in order and allow me to talk about anything i need or give me advice on how i should go about a situation. one of my main supports was my roommate, tori; she always checked in on me and let me vent to her when it was needed and it made me feel so loved. sometimes your brain tries to battle the path your heart wants to go down, but you have to win the war; it’s tough but you have to persevere and know that you have a system of support and it’s right infront of you. your supports are there to hold you up, not tear you down so you need to let them support you, no one can do it alone. you just have to remember PEOPLE CARE and they LOVE YOU.


the game we call social media: Sarah Preston